
Wednesday 1 January 2014

NYE Goreme style, years day, stuck in Kayseri Otogar!

Writing a blog on a iphone 3 is quite a challenge, I awoke this morning to a shattered iphone screen,
after a good NYE :D damn my clumsiness :) so forgive me if i miss the occasional spelling/grammatical error :) i am peering at the text through a sea of shattered glass trying to make out the letters and words :) 

A fantastic New Years was had in Goreme with a little help from our friend Raki. the early eve we drank and had the most interesting chat with the friendly turkish night worker at shoestring, getting a turkish perspective on all
Things from the fact he doesn t like the current president, to the problem with refugees in turkey, his interestingly liberal/secular lifestyle but, also a strong belief in Islam as the one true religion, and the wide variety of travellers he gets to meet. Some Good, some bad,some strange, some odd, Some annoying, some amazing and interesting. A Wide variety of people's of the world he gets to meet!  we ended up in a bar classically called 'fat boys' a good mixture of travellers and locals congregated inside and out on the street warmed up by a huge bonfire in what can only be described as a huge two metre wide metal couldron, kept alight by a constant supply of huge tree branches a local farmer dropped off in his tractor. 

As new year struck fireworks and flares lit up the night sky. Young locals freely brandishing flares and setting off fireworks from empty bottle s in the street. 

As the night wore on many a pleasant conversation was had with those about. People from The USA, Korea, Japan, Singapore and of course turkey! The highlight was a towering mountain of man, I can only describe as a real life hagrid, shaggy hair and beard complete with a rather fine pipe and suitable cowboy hat! 

We awoke this morning, thick cloud and fog cover all around, the town and surrounding valleys hidden from view. It looks like I times my visit to Cappadocia perfectly for the good weather we had the last few days! A power cut also sturdy the hostel an hour before we left, a weary English traveller tumbled out of the shower room complaining of the pitch dark and cold water! Not the ideal welcome to Goreme for him, I on the other hand had a perfect stay from start to finish! 

We jumped on a bus blind for Kayseri in order to catch our bus south east to kahta.  All was going smoothly as we bought our tickets and waited for the 23:30 bus. 

I currently update you still in Kayseri bus station (otogar) no sign of the night bus and it's now 2am :( with the bus company workers not speaking English our information on what is going on is limited. So far as we can figure, they are none the wiser. A few other Turks are waiting for the same bus so at least we know we havn t missed it. 

My travelling companion Aussie Charlie has taken the time to pass out sleeping, snoring rather loudly on the floor! The bus seats seem rather appealing after 2 hours on a cold metal seat here! 

So Nemrut bound we are not yet, where is this god damn bus, I shall be passing out as soon as I fall into what is now looking like a rather comfortable seat after 2hrs sat on the metal chairs in this huge bus station here. 

My time is not completely wasted,
Kayseri is famous for its pastrami, shops adorn the bus station with huge dried cuts hanging by string from the windows..  We have taken the time to sample this fine delight. As the bearded ginger haired Tikrish man cut off the finest cut slithers with a huge knife and a speed that was quite impressive, we sampled Kayseri s specialty. A tasty tasty product I must say! 

Where s this phantom bus! mt Nemrut and snow covered ancient statues are calling us! Come on Turkish bus system, you have treated me well so far,
Don t let me down! 

As long as my iPhone holds together, you ll heat from me after Nemrut, when we get there :D 

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