
Friday 18 March 2016

A little less Ottoman, a little more Habsburg

Drunken Finns, Helpful Hungarians, an Air B n B caught in a Soviet era time warp, and a suspicious 'technical' failure in the Ruin bars of Budapest. A snapshot of my first day in This fine capital. 

A comprehensive and hopefully entertaining update to come later, but for now I venture out into the streets of Buda and a stroll down the Danube, which I am yet to set my eyes upon.

A white lie, I discovered the Danube when visiting Novi Sad, Serbia, but there the river was littered with the bombed out corpses of bridges, curtesy of NATO. Today I m hoping for a slightly more regal feel to my Danube experience, hopefully with a bridge or two intact. 

1 comment:

  1. look forward to hearing more. beautiful city from what i remember
