
Friday 18 March 2016

Alcoholic antics airborne, Budapest bound

Correct me if I m wrong, but I thought it was we Brits who have a reputation for drunken airborne antics?! 

It would appear the Finns wholeheartedly share this dubious accolade with the Queens subjects, especially those advanced in years. 

As I boarded my flight and made myself as comfortable as can be on Norwegian Air bound for Budapest. One Couldn t help but notice the ageing drunken Finnish lady directly across the aisle from me.

My limited knowledge of Finnish told me she was hurling abuse in every which direction she so pleased to do, and to whomever she cared to insult. the phrase "mitä vittu" littered her profanities, as she swigged not so subtlety from her clandestine bottle of duty free whisky. 

In and amongst her abuse and resultant school-like telling off from the air crew she found time to throw a kind compliment my way. Out of nowhere, in broken English: "l like your colourful clothes, nice green trouser!"  Smiling sweetly as she spoke. 

Then as if the brief moment of calm and politeness had never happened, she switched back to Finnish and continued to hurl insults at no one in particular. 

All the while her long suffering husband looked on, quiet as a mouse. I swiftly came to the conclusion that he was a sure candidate for victim of years of sustained domestic abuse at the hands of his cantankerous other half.

Not long after the wheels touched Tarmac, I found myself navigating the rather accommodating public transport system of Budapest towards the centre.  (bus 200e and Metro 3) 

Momentarily lost as I disembarked from the metro, confused by the multitude of exits at my disposal,  I accosted the nearest friendly looking Hungarian for directions. He was more than helpful, out came his smart phone, google maps, and after a minute or two, he directed me on my way. 

I found myself entering a soviet era twilight zone. Nestled in the inner courtyard of a 19th century apartment bloc, It was as if I had entered a 1970s Soviet style Film set. 

Soviet realist posters adorned the walls, a soviet military hat took up watch over the Lounge, my mezzanine double bed welcomed me comfortably to Budapest and so my arrival in the seat of the Habsburg empire came to a satisfying end... 

...But for my drunken mid flight neighbour, this blog would have been Budapest themed. Alas you must wait till my next post. For now, the sun drenched Danube beckons me...


  1. exciting, what brings you to hungary and for how long? i enjoyed your post.

  2. A best friends stag party weekend. But I thought I would stay an extra two days either side to explore the city, I fly back to Finland tomorrow evening
